Sending newsletters through Drove

Sending newsletters through Drove

Newsletters are considered one of the oldest tricks in the book to building and strengthening the bond with your community. Some may say it is also one of the most effective once. 

They are a direct channel to your target audience, one that has already expressed interest, asked to receive updates and generally is engaged with your business, organization or cause. 

Using social media channels to get your word across is a highly used method. But you sill have to put in a lot of time and money into reaching your target audience. 

By having their email you’re just stone throw away from reaching their primary inbox. 

Before we start be sure to check our full guide on how to write a newsletter that won’t end up in the infamous SPAM inbox. 


There are two ways to send a newsletter via Drove: 

Sending an email via your campaign:  

With Drove sending emails and newsletters have never been easier! 

You can send them straight from your campaign pages, thus spreading the word becomes much more time and work efficient. By sending the email through the campaign page, we will provide you with unique analytics such as, the number of people who have engaged or donated to your cause after receiving the email. These analytics are a powerful tool in understanding and measuring the effectiveness of the content you are sending to your target audience. 

The analytics are available only when sending via the campaign page, as opposed to creating a new newsletter. The email or newsletter created this way is 100% edible, and you can change the text, links, images, and more. Just go to your campaign page and click the “Promote by email” icon on the right top corner. 

To the full tutorial on how to send an email via the campaign page, click here.

Sending a general email (not connected to any specific campaign): 

 You also have the option to send a new email, that is not linked to any particular campaign, by going to the “Newsletters” section, located at the top of the page, and clicking the “New Email” button. 

To the full tutorial on how to send a new email, click here. 

If you have purchased one of our advanced programs, you have the option of sending the emails via your own organization domain.

For more info and setting up your email domain, click here

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